How are ratings calculated & what do they mean? | GadgetGuruBN

Last updated on 05/01/2021 08:32 PM IST.
Hello & welcome to GadgetGuruBN website.
The ratings are calculated based on the following format.
1)Product Rating is given based on all above individual factors.
2)VFM [Value For Money] Rating is given based on device price range.
3) GadgetGuruBN / TG Rating is combination of 1 & 2.

The meaning of the ratings are listed based on the following format.

1)Product Rating

Exceptional >9.1

Excellent = 8.6-9.0

Great = 8.1-8.5

Pretty Great = 7.6-8.0

Very Good = 7.1-7.5

Pretty Good = 6.6-7.0

Good = 6.1-6.5

Above Average = 5.6-5.9

Average = 5.1-5.5

Below Average <5

2)VFM [Value For Money] Rating

Exceptional >9.1

Excellent = 8.6-9.0

Great = 8.1-8.5

Pretty Great = 7.6-8.0

Very Good = 7.1-7.5

Pretty Good = 6.6-7.0

Good = 6.1-6.5

Pretty Premium = 5.6-5.9

High Premium = 5.1-5.5

Very High Premium <5
